21 Nov Colombia must see destination in 2017, according to Lonely Planet
The country of magical realism benefits from unsuspected natural, cultural, and historical treasures. The second destination to visit in 2017, according to the Lonely Planet guide.
Colombia, a must-see in 2017 according to Lonely Planet. In full expansion these last few years, Colombia is taking another step towards international recognition. A well-deserved success since the charms of this country, still ignored by the general public, offer a wide variety of travel opportunities. Previously, in various publications, we have described Colombia’s unique landscapes, ranging from coral reefs to snow-capped peaks, arid deserts, and lush forests. Moreover, Colombia’s historical wealth is not only involving pre-Colombian traditions (including a multitude of ethnic groups with the most varied cultures), but also a heritage from the Spanish era that is reflected in colonial cities and historic quarters across the country (Bogota, Villa de Leyva, Barichara, Popayan, Cartagena…).

A painful past, a promising future
The image, from which the country still suffers today, has nonetheless a positive aspect. Colombia has been spared the negative effects of mass tourism, therefore enjoying a certain authenticity and a preserved charm. An authenticity that has disappeared from certain regions with high tourist affluence (Mexico or Peru for example). Moreover, in Colombia, visitors are considered more as travellers than tourists. The return of foreigners coming to discover their culture is synonymous with pride, and a sign of security. This is particularly evident given the warm welcome offered to people visiting Colombia, regardless of their origin. A reputation reinforced by a recent study made among expats around the world. Colombians are ranking among the most welcoming people in the world.

Colombian hospitality: a guarantee of authenticity and total escape.
The average traveller certainly tends to avoid this destination because of its nefarious reputation. Indeed, Colombia still suffers today from an image of insecurity. However, this period of turmoil that lasted nearly fifty years seems to be a thing of the past. Despite the failure of the peace plebiscite voted on recently, the government and the armed militias are continuing negotiations. The ultimate goal is total peace and neither side wants a resumption of the conflict. In any case, most of the country has been secure for several years and tourist areas are spared by violence. We all hope that the conflict will be resolved quickly, so that the entire territory can finally be at peace.
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