03 Nov What to visit around Medellin
Not sure of what to visit around Medellin in Colombia? Here’s our top 5 of the best places to visit around the city of eternal spring

This is undoubtedly the most popular destination for travellers when visiting the city of eternal spring. The village of Guatapé, which has already been mentioned many times here, has everything you need for a country getaway. A huge rock with a panoramic view, a beautiful lake with various water sports, and a colourful, picturesque village. All of these are located within a two-hour drive from the “ciudad paisa” and are easily accessible.

Santa Fe de Antioquia
The oldest municipality in Antioquia and one of the oldest in Colombia, Santa Fe stands out for its typically colonial architecture. Stroll through streets where the buildings date back to the 16th century and don’t forget to visit the impressive Puente del Occidente, spanning the Cauca River.

Salto Tequendamita, El Retiro, and La Ceja
Ideal for people who want to stay close to Medellin, these destinations will allow you to get some fresh air and discover the charms of a small Colombian town. First, stop at Salto de Tequendamita, a waterfall on the outskirts of the city. Then continue on to El Retiro and La Ceja for a coffee in the central square, which is busy with local farmers.
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Head south through the beautiful countryside of the region. After about 2 and a half hours you will reach Jericó, one of the most beautiful villages in Colombia. You can stroll through this colourful little town of white facades and painted woodwork. Walk through the botanical garden to reach a statue of the Christ overlooking the town and enjoy a breathtaking view.

The most remote of the destinations on this list, Jardin is perhaps the one that has retained most of its authenticity. A small, isolated town in the mountains of Antioquia where nature lovers will find plenty of outdoor activities. Hiking, rappelling, horseback riding, waterfalls…a multitude of possibilities are available to travellers. The Paisa architecture, similar to that of Jericó, you will enjoy a complete change of scenery as you stroll through this village where the locals will not fail to greet you.

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